
Sumeru samuh of Developers has been completed many years of success with your support. Let our directors, officers and employees altogether extend our sincere gratitude to your support. Everyone in the samuh will be united in an effort to boost our brand value so that we can successfully evolve as a company with sustainable growth in future.

We look forward to your continuing understanding and support to the samuh.We know that short-term,long-term property investment principals yield significant taxation and capital growth benefits. We do not promise any get-rich-quick schemes and we do not encourage people to undertake any high risk ventures. Instead we simply provide a better way to invest in property to secure your financial future.

Many invest on their own, but there are others who work in samuhs.

Why? First, no matter how much money or time you have, investing is expensive and risky, so it’s less expensive and less risky to do it alongside others; and, subsequently, it’s less time-consuming if one person in a samuh does the exhausting due diligence for everyone.

We welcome all investors & provide them guaranteed ROI...